
Reactions and reconsequences

Since I’m proud of thus far being able to blog every night, I here refuse to give in to the slack-monster and skip a day. However, I warn you now that I feel I have little to say at present time. I suppose, first off, I will set in stone here my coinage of the term “reconsequence” – use it as you like, just remember the genius madman that first came up with it. It even sounds nice with a french pronunciation: ray-kon-say-kon-seh (with proper nasals and only a very light “seh” at the end).

Random facts about me:

I’m a hardcore liberal.
Blackberry pie is my favorite.
I spent three months in France, once.
I have the strangest Russian accent, ever.
I’ve been addicted to Everquest,
multiple times.
Washington is the best state ever.
I like Volkswagens.
Sam Beam inspires me.
I suck at keeping in touch with friends.
Blue surreal fandango porpoise.

I’d feel much obliged to anyone
who has come here and read my blog,
to post a comment.
I have none as yet,
and I feel somewhat slighted.

I am constantly working on learning to replace my arrogance with the proper mix of confidence and humility. I can be arrogantly humble (imagine that), and confidently arrogant. I’m sure I can work it out in the long.