love personal

Then began the rainy season

Our rainy season is like 8 months long.
I love it. We’ve had some sunny days yet,
but I don’t think we’ll get many more.
It’s almost October!

On Halloween, Theo and Tim and I were thinking
about decorating our house for Christmas;
just to be tricksy. I added that we could even
dress up as the Christmas versions of
The Nightmare Before Christmas characters.
We could even dress Toby up like Zero, though
I doubt he’d appreciate it very much. Of course,
that’s why it’s fun. *evil cackle*

I’m driving up to Port Townsend tonight to
visit my family; even my dad’s up there at the moment.
Also, I think my swing shoes may be hidden in
a box up there somewheres, and I’d like to find them.
I tend to sock-hop, as it’s much better than dancing
in sneakers; but last week the floor was all gross,
so shoes have become something of a necessity.
I have some nice ones; if I could only find them!

Our website is coming together well. Though it looks
the same right now, yes, we’ve scanned a lot of images
and Tim made an awesome banner for us. Like, really awesome.
I’m not too sure yet what format the homepage will take;
but I’m hoping it will grow somewhat organically,
adding this and that, one bit at a time, ’til somehow
I realize it’s really an official full-on website.
I suspect I’m naive and fooling myself. *sigh*

So, what’s going on, right?
Honestly, I feel like this last week
has been caught in Limbo, a little bit.
I did, however, get my job application sent
out on Thursday, and the final postmarked deadline
was Friday, so that’s like,
not even procrastinating for me.
Way ahead of schedule. Rar.

I meet Danielle for lunch on Monday;
a new encounter with an old stranger.
What could be stranger? I’ve managed to get
rid of most of my expectations for our
meeting; now mostly just hoping we get along
well and it isn’t horribly awkward.

Tuesday night is swing night,
and even now on Saturday I get butterflies
when I think about it.

The absurd is the result of man’s battle
to make sense of a non-sensical world.

Sisyphus, don’t fail me now.