love personal

Come play with us, Danny

My good friend Daniel has been living in China,
and since his blog hasn’t been working from there,
he’s been sending out big e-mails, frequently.

This is an excerpt from a recent e-mail,
which I particularly enjoyed, on relationships:

it seems to me that lasting, true love between two people is about being close and trusting and sharing and joyously intertwining. from this growing union of two hearts and minds comes understanding of the other and insight into the unique dynamic that you create together. you learn what she wants and needs, how she thinks, her sensative spots, her longings, her dark corners, her shame, her pride, her heart of hearts–there are no limits to the insight we can have into each other. as mysteriously as the special bond of love began between the two of you, so it continues to grow and deepen. from this love and understanding of what’s really going on with your partner, it becomes clear how you can serve her best, what really heals her , what she needs to hear, what she needs you to do. everything you do for her is because you truly want to, because it’s so important to you–it’s work that you’re commited to, that you labor in joyously because it’s so deeply meaningful to you. there’s no accomodation, no grudging concessions, and no fearful, confused fighting or running away.

Well said, my friend.