
Revenge of the flying cheesimo

Okay, so NaNoWriMo didn’t work out so well for me. Which is to say, I didn’t do it. That’s okay, I’m not heartbroken. After all, fifty thousand words is a lot, and I’m more of the kind of guy who says, “Why use fifty thousand words where five hundred will do?”. Which has led me to a new project. Microfiction is a wonderful thing, much like blogging: you sit, you write, you’re done (and sitting’s optional). It doesn’t drag on for days, you don’t lose sleep over it, and your friends will actually read it when you’re done. They say a picture’s worth a thousand words? Well, rip that picture in half, ’cause it’s micro time! As the link indicates, other things will be involved, such as literary reviews and news items, creative works and explorations. If you’re at all interested in being involved, please feel free to email me.

P.S. Monkeys are good people. That’s all for now.