dance poetic work

How to dance properly

Worth a giggle, at least.

Quote of the day from Contemporary Poetry Review:

“It is the job of poetry to clean up our word-clogged reality by creating silences around things.” -Stéphane Mallarmé

And a bit more from Mallarmé:

“Oui, je sais qu’au lointain de cette nuit, la Terre
Jette d’un grand éclat l’insolite mystère
Sous les siècles hideux qui l’obscurcissent moins.”

Yes, I now know that far into the night the Earth
Is flinging a strange and mysterious shaft of light whose
Brilliance will only be increased as the grim centuries pass by.

Rather uplifting coming from him, I think.

I’ve been working all week at St. Martin’s. Tomorrow and Saturday, all day at Tumwater. My first full days out there, since working there once, for 5 hours. I’m nervous, yes, but I’m trying to be laid back about it. It’s just a job, after all, and not a particularly difficult one. Even so, shelving books for 8 hours of the day sounds particularly brain-numbing. I wish I could just work the reference desk here full-time. *grumble grumble*

Swing dancers can get cantankerous, particularly when they’re talking about choreography, and everyone wants it done their way. They seem so fun and pleasant on the outside; who knew?

I need a day off … or a week. Either way.
*yawns sleepily and has a daydream about coffee*

I’d love some comments on yesterday’s story;
good, bad, long or short, any remarks are lovely.

2 replies on “How to dance properly”

Wow, weird. I did Emily’s blog same way, and the same thing came up. I think they must have found a blogspot directory, and just bought every URL but with blogpsot instead of blogspot, to get mistype hits.

People do this misdirection thing all the time. You have to be careful to type carefully. Bigger companies usually buy the most common mistypes of their URL so you end up at the right spot anyway. Sometimes. Anyway, that kinda freaks me out. Maybe I should buy from them … or you should just learn to type *wink wink*

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