music personal poetic

I’ll finish before I’m done

The new year’s begun. Hip hip ______!

My resolutions? Hmmmm …

  • Get good at this dancing thing. Really good. Diversify.
  • Take no day for granted.
  • Write more, more often.
  • Yoga, or some sort of healthiness, consistently.
  • Grad School in the Fall.
  • Enjoy people more, and be more social. Converse.
  • Take mad pictures to document the year with new digicam.
  • Lessen anxiety about big and scary changes.
  • Get my finances back into the green. Pay off debts.
  • Play more music.
  • Explore more music. Maybe DJ at swing, or get a show on KAOS.
  • Be gracious, unceasingly, while remaining conscious of personal needs.

    That’s more than enough, I say. And now, a poem.

    — Fancy That —

    Fancy that, another year has passed,
    hundreds of days gone by leaving
    memories like dust on the sill.
    Fancy that, back in Olympia,
    plotting out a future wrife with adventure;
    oh perilous and exciting days yet to come.
    There are so many tomorrows.
    Fancy that, I still cherish the thought of you,
    though time’s tarnished the picture I brought of you,
    and a crack runs down the frame now
    like a spiderweb, or a bit of lace.
    Fancy that, I thought I might fall in love again,
    so soon; but I did, and her name is:
    the world, each day, the sound of the rain
    dropping gentle like memories into the black.
    Fancy that, plans that precipitate action,
    no distance too great because I’m moving forward
    instead of falling back. I’m out to sea now,
    sail taut pulling into the sunrise and
    the sky’s red and I may never find my way back.
    Fancy that, that fancies change;
    and I’m dancing again, fancying something perfect.
    Because these days pass by so swift that
    I’d be a fool to think I’ll finish before I’m done
    and I think I’d rather share this thing called life.
    Fancy that, another year has come,
    different days and different ways to pass the time;
    and I’ll not look back. I’ll not look back;
    because I fancy that the future
    will be a marvelous place.

    My anthem for 2005: Eels – Mr. E’s Beautiful Blues.

    “Goddamn right it’s a beautiful day.”